Everyone dreams of leaving Vegas with their pockets full by using a smart gambling strategy. To win more often, Blackjack players spend years to master card counting. To take more pots, poker players spend hours in front of mirror to polish their poker face. The question is what is left to the Roulette players and the answer is a spot on strategy!

  • Top 5 tips to win at roulette. Know the basics of the game. The best way to be a smart gambler is to fully understand any game you play, and roulette is no different. Remember your betting options. There are loads of ways to bet on roulette - get used to the different types of bets and odds, find a strategy you like and stick to it.
  • A lot happens on those big bright screens and it can get confusing on how you actually win, but the ease and potential payout of slot machines is what makes them so popular among the casino floor! If you can count from one to thirty-six, you can play roulette.

What you will get from this article…

That's right, it's time for Roulette. You won't find a simpler game. Your only decision is how much and where to place your bets. Of course, the choices seem almost endless. The numbers on the Roulette wheel consist of 1-36, plus 0 and 00, for a grand total of 38. See the Roulette wheel diagram to determine which number is on which color.

The truth is there’s actually a simple roulette strategy that roulette players use to win every time. Of course, now you are thinking that it is practically impossible to win on every single bet and that is not what we mean. If you are after a strategy that will put more money in your pocket over the long haul, this is the one.

Know the basics!

  • There is a common misconception that you should only bet on evens or odds, black or red, or a specific numbers. Consider betting on the first dozen numbers (1 through 12), the second dozen numbers (13 through 24) and the third dozen numbers (25 through 36).
  • Decision to choose a certain group of numbers should not come out of thin air. This is where a special strategy steps in. Your bets should be consistent!
  • Let’s agree upon terms – For a better understanding, the first 12 numbers will be categorized as A. The second 12—B. The third 12—C. A zero or a double zero will be categorized as 0.

How do we choose the group of numbers?

  • Start spinning the roulette wheel or playing on a free online roulette table so that you don’t blow your bankroll while preparing for this winning roulette strategy.
  • As the ball lands, record the category. If the ball lands on a number in the second 12 numbers, write down B; if it land on the third, write down C.
  • Keep spinning and recording until you see a series of five categories where one specific category is missing. So, if you record C, B, B, C, B for your five spins, you can stop because A didn’t come up.

So what’s so magical about A?

Well, in this example, that’s what you’ll be betting on at the real money roulette wheel. While you will alter your bet, you won’t actually alter what you’re betting on. That’s right! You’ll never, EVER, change the group that you’re putting your money on.

How do you bet?

It depends on what kind of bankroll you’re bringing to the table. If you’re bringing a bankroll of $500 or more, you can employ the double-your-bet strategy, where you double your bet every time you lose. If you’ve got a smaller bankroll to play with, consider increasing your bet by one unit when you lose, and decreasing it by one unit when you win.

There are tons of roulette strategies out there, and some sites will try to sell you a simple roulette strategy to win. You shouldn’t have to shell out cash to learn how to win at an online casino. Save your money for the online casino and use it to build a bigger bankroll, not to make a roulette strategy salesman rich.

Antoine Foxx

33 year old male. Has visited Las Vegas several times as well as other great gambling places. Always having a good time. After having a little girl, he couldn’t travel as much so he started enjoying online gaming. Antoine is always looking for something different and interesting. Part time rock star but full time computer geek, he never seems to guarantee a balanced life. Enjoys Cajun food a lot!

Best Way To Win Roulette

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Most people who visit a casino almost go out of their ways to hand the casino extra money. That is what I call the house’s “hidden edge”. Players don’t pay close attention to what is happening right in front of them.

This is naturally what the casino wants. They don’t want to impoverish you. They want to turn you into a happy lifelong customer.

Las Vegas casinos have and advantage over their countryside cousins. Every year more than 40 million people visit Las Vegas. The casinos there count on seeing new faces all the time.

What you need when you’re visiting a town that doesn’t rely on local gamblers so much is your own hidden edge. And because of all the competition in the gambling industry it’s easy to find ways to improve your chances of winning and how much you win.

1 – What Almost No One Ever Tells You about Player Clubs

The first tip most gambling writers mention is that you should sign up for the players club. If you’re planning on visiting 10 casinos that works out to signing up for 10 clubs. If you do this in person it can take 15-20 minutes to join each club.

Or does it?

One great thing about Vegas is that the big casinos buy out or build out other properties. If you join the Caesar’s Rewards program you can accumulate points at 9 different Las Vegas casinos on the same card.

One signup gives you the freedom to play at many different locations. You’ll earn points just the same. You don’t even have to use them during that trip.

Other multi-casino players clubs include B Connected, Boarding Pass, and M life rewards. But if you visit major casinos around the country then you’ll want a Caesar’s club membership for sure.

Although you need to check club rules to stay up-to-date on what you can do with the points, if the club card is used in other cities you’ll have more chances to earn points.

And most of these players clubs allow you to transfer points to other members. You can gift them to friends and family who may need the points more than you.

2 – Don’t Use the Same Betting Strategy on Every Game

Standard advice for slot game players is to always play max bet. But you’d be crazy to do that in craps or roulette unless you have really deep pockets. And if you have that much money the casino will probably move you into the high roller games as quickly as possible.

Max betting on slot games makes sense for 2 reasons. First, some slot games won’t pay the jackpot if you don’t make a max bet. Every time I check out slot games I run into someone who doesn’t know that.

Second, simple multiplication shows you that a 5X win pays more on a max bet than on a minimum bet. Some people think, well, yeah, but the prize amounts are proportioanally the same.

While it’s true that 5X is 5X regardless of how much you bet, the secret to winning on slots is to look at how much you win proportional to your bankroll.

If you walk into the casino with only $500 you’ll have a better chance of doubling that money on slot games with max bets than with minimum bets. Statistically the longer you play the game the more likely the casino will take all your money.

The house edge is the percentage of all wagers a casino expects to retain. The more wagers you make the more money the casino keeps.

3 – Make Your Most Aggressive Wagers on the Safest Bets

This is counter-intuitive for 2 reasons. First, you’re making safe bets. That means you’re not risking much compared to other types of wagers. Second, most people say you should make high-risk bets to win a lot of money.

Here is how this counter-intuitive strategy works in roulette. Let’s say your bankroll is $1000. The table minimum is $5 and the maximum is $100.

You could bet $5 on a single number in European roulette. The payout odds are 35-to-1 but the probability of your number coming is is 37-to-1. That’s a very risky bet and you might think, well, I’m only risking $5.

On the other hand, say you place a bet on red. The payout odds are even money. If you want to win $100 you need to bet $100.

While it looks like you’re risking more money, the probability of winning is 37-to-18. That’s 18 times more likely to pay you than the single number bet.

4 – Don’t Do Drugs or Alcohol When You Gamble

When you’re intoxicated you give the house a hidden edge. Your judgment is impaired and you’re more likely to make mistakes or bad decisions.

Everyone knows this and yet many people still drink and gamble. I want to have fun when I gamble too but if winning more money is your priority stick to caffeinated drinks.

While there are downsides to caffeine intake it’s a stimulant that helps you stay awake and aware. It also makes you need to take a break more often than just drinking water.

5 – Always Change Games When You’re 20% Up or Down

This is a basic investing strategy but it works just as well in gambling. If you’re looking to win more then set some loss limits.

Players convince themselves the next spin or card could change everything for them. While that’s true. It’s no more likely to happen when you’re 20% down than when you’re 20% up.

As long as you never lose more than 20% of your starting bankroll stay in the game until you’re 20% up. Then walk away.

6 – Make Larger Wagers on Simple Bets in Craps


Craps allows you to gamble in a lot of ways. Keep it simple. Use one of the two following basic strategies.

  1. Bet Pass, Come, and Odds.
  2. Bet Don’t Pass, Don’t Come, and Odds

The house edge is slightly lower on the second strategy but many people tell you this isn’t as popular with players as the first strategy.

Either way, avoid the more complicated betting options when you play craps.

7 – Avoid Big Jackpot Slot Games

There are two kinds of slot games. Those that take your money and those that take your money faster. Both kinds of games pay for those big jackpots out of players’ lost wagers.

The larger the maximum prize on a slot game the more likely it’s a high volatility game. That means the variances between wins and losses could be wilder than the craziest roller coaster.

Low jackpot games tend to be low volatility games. That means the variances between wins and losses are smaller. Your money lasts longer, giving you more chances to win a big prize.

8 – Always Bet the Banker in Baccarat

There is no safer, easier casino game to play than baccarat. The house edge is the lowest and they occasionally ask you to cut the cards.

The only thing you really need to remember in baccarat is that betting on the banker is more likely to pay than betting on the player.

9 – Never Make an Extra Wager

How To Win Roulette In Vegas Poker

Casinos find ways to get you to take extra risks. This might be insurance in blackjack or playing double or nothing in a slot machine “bonus” game.

If you’ve won money and they ask you to bet part of it on a second round in the game, politely pass.

10 – Never Bet the Table Minimum in Blackjack

There are no high payout odds in blackjack. If you want to win some money in this game you’ll have to wager more than the table minimum.

The house edge is pretty low but the game requires some skill. When you practice at home – and you know you will – teach yourself to bet 2 or 3 times the table minimum.


The only thing you can guarantee in a casino is that there are more losers than winners. It’s great to win $800 or $1000 but do everything possible to avoid needing to win back money you’ve lost.

You’re going to lose money at some point. By playing smarter you’ll cut your losses short every hour. As long as you stay in the game you have a chance or winning or losing.

As long as your winning – keep doing whatever you’re doing.