Also known as Four-Five-Six, Cee-Lo and See-Low. This is derived from a Chinese banking game called Strung Flowers. As the name suggests, it is played with three dice, and also requires stakes.


Players place their bets against a banker who covers them.

The banker rolls the three dice first.

Explore our collection of dice games for kids. You will find instructions, printables, score sheets where necessary - and lots of fun! Dice games can be played quietly or noisily, with one or two kids or a crowd - and they are great for learning number and addition skills too. Dice games are fun! They are also one of the oldest of all kinds of games: there are records of dice. Build it Big or Build it Small. Kids each need a dice and some scratch paper or a whiteboard.

The banker wins all bets if he throws three-of-a-kind, any pair and a 6, or 4-5-6.

The banker loses all bets if he throws any pair and a 1, or 1-2-3.

If the banker throws a pair and any number other than a 1 or 6, then each of the players in turn throws the three dice. As before, the player wins if they throw any pair and a 1, or 1-2-3. The player loses if they throw three-of-a-kind, any pair and a 6, or 4-5-6. If a player throws a pair and any number other than a 1 or 6, then the number thrown with the pair becomes the point number. If the player's point number is higher than the point number thrown by the banker, the player wins, even if the pair is of a lower value than the banker's. If both point numbers are the same, then it is tied and no one wins or loses any stakes.

All other combinations, other than the ones described, are meaningless and both the player and the banker, in their turn, continues to roll the dice until a meaningful combination comes up.

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Strung Flowers (In Chinese: Sz'ng Luk) is played as described above but with the following differences.

The first banker is decided by a preliminary round in which all the players roll the dice, the player with the most fours becoming the bank. If players tie, then they throw again until a decision is made.

Stakes must be made in multiples of three units. This is because players who have thrown a point settle the bet according to the difference between their point and the bankers. For a point difference of one, one third of the stake is won or lost. For a difference of two, two thirds, and for a difference of three the whole stake.

Dice Games For Middle School

Games That Use Dice

The banker changes when a player beats their point. The bank rotates (clockwise) at the end of the round.

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In a game of Strung Flowers the following terms are used. A throw of 4-5-6 is known as Strung Flowers, 1-2-3 as The Dancing Dragon, and a pair and a 1 as Ace Negative.