Dice City is a “dice-crafting” game in which the locations in an ever-growing city act as the changing faces of a die each turn. They can be developed into stronger and grander features to make a more successful and more powerful settlement. Dice City is meant for ages 14+ but the Gentleman is 8 going 9 and can play very welland win. He has been playing games since he was 3 so he is already doing well on developing strategy tactics. I believe the age recommendation is there due to the strategy aspect as the mechanics are not too difficult.

Dice City

When I’m ready to head out of the house, I know one of the first few things I grab is Love Letter. It’s size and capability make it an almost necessary accessory to bring to any occasion. I would also like to say that, while not as portable, Smash UP has become one of the top area control/ hand management card games. I’m sure this is a mantra to many and I have to say, AEG did a great job with their game. AEG is a familiar name to those of you who know Smash Up and Love Letter. Both games that have brought hours of fun to any table and will always show up to every gaming session like it’s the Stairway to Heaven of boad games. AEG is now delivering Dice City to us. Dice City is a “dice crafting” game, where the locations in your city act as the changing faces of your dice each turn. You and your opponents need to promote cities, create strong armies, construct buildings, and open up trade routes. “The secret is to manage your city and its natural resources carefully to make the best of your fortunes.” Source

Dice City is a game for 1- 4 players and can be played in 45 minutes. It will include 4 player boards, 20 dice, 149 cards, 93 tokens, 4 player aids, and 1 rulebook. We will be seeing this game sprout up anyday now as the release date is October 2015!

Dice City Review

Dice City

When I’m ready to head out of the house, I know one of the first few things I grab is Love Letter. It’s size and capability make it an almost necessary accessory to bring to any occasion. I would also like to say that, while not as portable, Smash UP has become one of the top area control/ hand management card games. I’m sure this is a mantra to many and I have to say, AEG did a great job with their game. AEG is a familiar name to those of you who know Smash Up and Love Letter. Both games that have brought hours of fun to any table and will always show up to every gaming session like it’s the Stairway to Heaven of boad games. AEG is now delivering Dice City to us. Dice City is a “dice crafting” game, where the locations in your city act as the changing faces of your dice each turn. You and your opponents need to promote cities, create strong armies, construct buildings, and open up trade routes. “The secret is to manage your city and its natural resources carefully to make the best of your fortunes.” Source

Dice City Game Review

Dice city game review

Dice City Board Game Review

Dice City is a game for 1- 4 players and can be played in 45 minutes. It will include 4 player boards, 20 dice, 149 cards, 93 tokens, 4 player aids, and 1 rulebook. We will be seeing this game sprout up anyday now as the release date is October 2015!